“Knowledge and Taqwa, A Secret of Success”

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Chairman Message

Chairman Message

Posted by iiskd on July 9, 2008

Whenever the word ibadah is mentioned, most of the time the picture that comes to mind is solat, whenever jihad is mentioned, fighting on the battlefield is the picture that comes to mind. And whenever reminders are made regarding one’s responsibility to contribute to Islam, sadeqah to mosques and orphans are commonly remembered.

The ibadah that really requires support more so now is the field of knowledge and education. The way knowledge and education has been insidiously secularized and offered to the world of Islam by the so-called western progressive elite has successfully reduced the Muslims to mere “shells” devoid of spirit, leadership, courage, and has removed the crown of knowledge from us. Over the years the spirit of the Ummah has been slowly disintegrated until they are ready now to be served at banquets of the kuffars.

Education today is regarded as nothing else but the passport to a high standard of living. The “products” from this education system feed the lifestyle generated by secular materialism and so we have hazy and fuzzy “successful” people oblivious of their highest status of God’s creations, their duties and function, and their real purpose in life. Intuitively searching for happiness, in the end after a lifetime of chase, they realize how short lived is the happiness offered by the materials of this world.

The institution of IIS, its holistic integrated curriculum, the Khalifah Program being implemented, embody the struggle to bring back the correct upbringing of our children so that once again we will see the spirit and iman of the sahabah in them.

We, the founders, the parents and the teachers must stay true and be steadfast to this objective. Alhamdulillah, for the blessings and for everything and everyone’s contribution so far.

Hj Hasni Mohamed
Executive Chairman
Board of Governors

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